S1E8 | Optimal Tip-to-Tip Efficiency

Podcast Episode

Episode 155 | August 23, 2024




Ah, Silicon Valley, that hive of wretchedness that makes the Bootu Inc. studios look positively angelic by comparison. But Spencer didn’t select the location itself as a topic for the podcast, he selected Mike Judge’s celebrated sitcom of the same name.

This week, the BTBs are talking about Silicon Valley’s season one finale. Richard and company are scheduled to appear at a major tech conference to present their idea, but they’re scooped by the ruthless mogul Gavin Belson. A last minute group idea just might save the day anyway.

The guys talks about one of the show’s most famous scenes, the impact of the times when Erlich actually helps his friends, and which cast members stand out most.


-Spencer doesn’t believe in using primer before painting

-How Silicon Valley relates to the Rat King’s ever-growing empire

-Billy Joel Armstrong

S2E10 | Two Days of the Condor

Podcast Episode

Episode 156 | August 30, 2024




The Boob Tube Boys found out how season one of Silicon Valley ended last week, so it’s only fitting they resume coverage of the show by closing out season two.

Richard and the rest of the Pied Piper crew are facing extinction thanks to a Gavin Belson lawsuit. It’ll take a perceptive judge, a lawyer played by Lloyd Braun from Seinfeld, and a delayed attempt at lemon acquisition to get the Silicon Valley guys out of this one.

Van learns he is the only BTB who knows how to tie a tie, then introduces a new show where ties would just get wet and floppy if you wore them.


-New invention leads to goblin discussion

-Van’s horrifying tale of snacking gone awry

-Tilda Swinton