S1E2 | Laser Light Cannon / S1E25 | Mirror Gem
Podcast Episode
Episode 17 | July 15, 2021
Steven Universe is the shortest and most animated show the Boob Tube Boys have covered to this point, so squeezing a pair of SU episodes into an hour of conversation is no big deal. Wait, maybe it is. There sure are a lot of characters, some of whom have magical gem powers and some of whom drive vans.
This week, Spencer takes his co-hosts to the beach to meet Steven Universe and other drawn characters. Brian immediately takes a liking to Steven’s aging musician dad, while Van can’t help liking any song with his name in it. The Tubers discuss Steven’s relationship with his dad, creator Rebecca Sugar’s vision for the show, and similarities to Adventure Time.
Will Lapis Lazuli join forces with Steven and the gems? Is there really a character named Lapis Lazuli, or are we making that up? Are these sad old men going to say positive things about a show aimed at today’s youth? You’d better just listen and find out.
-Some truly good TV music
-Van probably has a crush on Pearl
-More talk about art style than usual/ever
S1E26 | Ocean Gem / S1E52 | Jail Break
Podcast Episode
Episode 18 | July 20, 2021
The stakes keep getting higher for Steven Universe, his cool rapping friend Garnet, the mysterious Lapis Lazuli, and all sorts of other sharp-haired characters. Spencer has done his research, and he aims to guide his co-hosts and audience through a pivotal time in Steven Universe’s story.
Everyone likes these SU episodes more than last week’s, spurring conversation about the show’s increased ambition and uncommon nuance. Garnet reveals a massive secret, Steven and Lapis are still circling each other, and there’s a new villain in town prepared to throw a wrench in everyone’s future.
Later, the guys discuss their overall thoughts on the four episodes they watched, whether they feel compelled to tackle the series, and more. Brian unveils the next BTB show, a childhood favorite.
-Plenty of discussion about rocks and minerals
-Brian fixates on villains
-Van remains surprisingly positive