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Touch the Skull

“I still don’t understand how you did it,” I mused to Jasper as we trudged our way[…]

The Race of Death…. Again!

I awoke with the familiar sound of my phone alarm echoing throughout the empty room. The ringtone[…]

Good vs. Evil

“Yes sir, shall I read you your schedule?” said the man. His military training honed him into[…]

The Unseen Beast of the Western Front

The summer heat of 1849 had terrorized Rufus T. Harrison for what felt longer than a mare’s[…]

‘C’ Is for Creepypasta, and Cupcakes

It was just an ordinary day at work on Halloween. I’d never cared about Halloween. I was[…]

Top 5 Comedy Podcasts of 2022

Featuring all three members of the Boob Tube Boys! In the year of our lord 2022 there[…]

I’m Too Old For This Shit

If you’re in your thirties or forties and your dad was named Charlie, you’re likely very familiar[…]

The 43rd Annual Boobie Awards

It’s time yet again for the return of the single greatest entertainment awards show to EVER exist![…]

Rejected Game Shows For Kids (1994-99)

All of us at Boob Tube HQ were positively entranced by the elaborate and crafty set design[…]

A Visit To The Comedy Club

In preparation for Seinfeld week the Boob Tube Boys took a trip to The Wet Tickle Factory[…]

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